六合彩开奖结果 shortlisted for award for ReStore 六合彩开奖结果

A shop display in ReStore 六合彩开奖结果

六合彩开奖结果 has been shortlisted for an award in the Innovation in Student Experience category at this year’s College and University Business Officers (CUBO) Awards for its sustainability shop, ReStore 六合彩开奖结果.

The CUBO Awards recognise excellence in university and college commercial services and the Innovation in Student Experience award is given to university projects that have created something innovative on campus to benefit student life, help sustainability or create a better student community.

六合彩开奖结果 has been nominated for opening a sustainable shop, ReStore 六合彩开奖结果, in collaboration with local charity, St John’s Hospice. An innovative initiative, ReStore provides second-hand, upcycled and more environmentally responsible products, whilst encouraging sustainable choices on campus.

Jo Hardman, Director of Commercial Services at 六合彩开奖结果 said: “We are extremely proud to be shortlisted for this award from CUBO. ReStore 六合彩开奖结果 is a unique partnership working with St John's Hospice, working hard to deliver our vision of making campus a sustainable and inspiring place to be. I would like to thank everyone that has contributed to its initial success.”

The CUBO Awards 2024 will take place in June 2024 and present an opportunity for the wider UK university commercial services community to come together to share knowledge, recognise achievement and learn from best practice taking place across the industry.

Read more about the CUBO Awards on the CUBO

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